Continental Currency

1/6 Dollar
Fr#CC-19. Continental Congress issue. February 17, 1776, plate C. 600,000 printed. Signed by Daniel Carroll, a signer of the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution.
60 Dollars
PMG 35
Fr#CC-86. Continental Congress issue. September 26, 1778. 340,914 printed.
65 Dollars
Fr#CC-100. Continental Congress issue. January 14, 1779. 182,070 printed. Last issue of Continental Currency.


40 Shillings
PMG 50
Fr#CT-182. Connecticut. May 10, 1775.
Comptroller Receipt
Hartford, Connecticut. £20. January 30, 1782. Ralph Pomeroy signed.
Comptroller Receipt
Hartford, Connecticut. £7. February 18, 1782.
Comptroller Receipt
Hartford, Connecticut. £7/6s/1d. June 1, 1782. Peter Colt signed.
Colonial Interest Certificate
Hartford, Connecticut. £1/4s. October 5, 1789. Oliver Wolcott.
Comptroller Receipt
PCGS Currency 65PPQ
Hartford, Connecticut. 19s/7d. December 9, 1789. Ralph Pomeroy (crossing out Oliver Wolcott). Watermarked.
Comptroller Receipt
Hartford, Connecticut. £1. January 22, 1791. Ralph Pomeroy.
Comptroller Receipt
PCGS Currency 40
Hartford, Connecticut. £3/7s/1d. May 14, 1792. Kingsbury.
Currency Transfer Certificate
Connecticut. £1. January 20, 1790. Signed by Peter Colt, grandfather of Samuel Colt, crossing out the signature of Jedediah Huntington.
Gunpowder Receipt
Connecticut. August 19, 1778. From Capt. Jacob Dewitt acknowledging receipt of gunpowder from Jabez Huntington for the defense of Connecticut.


5 Shillings
Fr#MA-162. Massachusetts. August 18, 1775. 10,000 printed. Contemporary sewn repair. Engraved and printed by Paul Revere.
5 Dollars
PMG 30
Fr#MA-282. Massachusetts. July 5, 1780. 26,267 printed. UNITED STATES w/m.


$2, $1, $2/3, $1/3
PMG 12
Fr#MD-67/66/65/63. Maryland. April 10, 1774. 31,500/34,500/31,000/31,000 printed. Uncut sheet with all notes s/n 5639 and signers Clapham and Eddis.

New Jersey

18 Pence
PCGS Currency 63
Fr#NJ-153. New Jersey. December 31, 1763, plate A. 5,000 printed.
6 Shillings
PMG 58
Fr#NJ-178. New Jersey. March 25, 1776, plate B. 18,750 printed. Signed by John Hart, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. NEW JERSEY w/m.
6 Pounds
PMG 25
Fr#NJ-183. New Jersey. March 25, 1776. 3,125 printed. Engraver David Rittenhouse became the first Director of the U.S. Mint in 1792. NEW JERSEY w/m.
3 Dollars
Fr#NJ-186. New Jersey. June 9, 1780. 12,000 printed. Signed by David Brearley, a signer of the Constitution.

New York

5 Pounds
PMG 45
Fr#NY-166. New York. February 16, 1771. 6,000 printed.
8 Shillings
Fr#NY-197. New York. March 5, 1776. 2,500 printed. 4th water works issue.

North Carolina

40 Shillings
PMG 40
Fr#NC-69. North Carolina. April 4, 1748. 2,000 printed.
3 Pounds
Fr#NC-70. North Carolina. April 4, 1748. 2,000 printed.
5 Pounds
PMG 25
Fr#NC-143. North Carolina. December, 1771. 2,000 printed. Signed by Richard Caswell, 1st and 5th governor of North Carolina.


20 Shillings
PMG 15
Fr#PA-126. Pennsylvania. June 1, 1764. 21,000 printed. Printed by Ben Franklin.
2 Shillings, 6 Pence
PCGS Currency 20
Fr#PA-157. Pennsylvania. April 3, 1772. 33,962 printed. Signed by John Morton, a signer of the Declaration of Independence.
40 Shillings
PMG 40
Fr#PA-158. Pennsylvania. April 3, 1772, plate C (Sellers misspelled as SELLESS). 5,000 printed. Signed by "Tory renegade" Thomas Coombe.

Rhode Island

20 Dollars
PCGS Currency Apparent 55
Fr#RI-289. Rhode Island. July 2, 1780. 2,600 printed. Signed by Metcalfe Bowler, a delegate to the Stamp Act Congress. CONFEDERATION w/m.
40 Shillings
PCGS Currency Apparent 558PPQ
Fr#RI-300. Rhode Island. May 1786. 10,000 printed but 96% of the overall issue was burned by the State between 1793 and 1803.

District of Columbia

Canal Lottery #1 Ticket
PSA Authentic
City of Washington, ca. 1796. Signed by Daniel Carrol (of Duddington) who owned land that became Washington D.C.
