ΠΕΔΙΕΥΣ (magistrate Pedieus) ΩΙΕ |
SNG von Aulock 1629v. |
ΜΕΓΙΣΤΑΓΟΡΑΣ (magistrate Megistagoras) K Y |
SNG Cop 68v. Megistagoras (magistrate). |
Head of a lion facing left. Star ornament within an incused square. |
SGC 3532. |
Forepart of a lion, head turned. Floral star pattern in incuse square. |
SNG Cop 952, ORC 1346 Miletos. |
Laureate head of Apollo. Lion walking, looking back, star above. Two monograms before. |
SNG Kayhan 502. |
Head of Alexander the Great as Hercules wearing lion skin. ΑΛΕΞΑΝΡΟΥ |
Sear 6739var. |
Herakles (Hercules) wearing a lion skin headdress. Zeus seated (posthumous issue). |
Diademed head of Tanit/Kore left. Horse standing right. |
SNG Cop 236. Libyan Revolt. Overstruck. |
Laureate head of Melquart right. ΤΥΡΟΥΙΕΡ ΑΣ ΚΑΙΑΣΥΛΟΥ |
Head of Athena left, in Corinthian helmet decorated with an olive wreath. Sea-star between two dolphins. |
SNG ANS 455. |
Head of the nymph Larissa, left. ΛΑΡΙ below, ΣΙΩΝ above |
BMC 89. |
Two young male heads inverted. Sea eagle grasping a dolphin with its talons. |
BMC Black Sea. |
Two young male heads inverted. IΣTPIH |
Two young male heads inverted. IΣTPIH Δ |
Naked ityphallic satyr in kneeling-running attitude right, carrying in his arms a nymph with her right arm around him (not protesting). Incuse square. |